Monday, March 2, 2009


So where did ballet start?

It first started in Italy in the 1300, but it was not really very popular and it died down. It started up again in the 1500s to entertain King Louis from France and was one of the most popular forms of dance ever since.

Domenico da Piacenza (1390-1470) is credited with the first use of the term ballo instead of danza for his baletti or balli which later came to be known as Ballets.
The first Ballet is considered to be Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx's Ballet Comique de la Royne (1581) and was a ballet drama. ALso in 1581 the publication of Fabritio Caroso's Il Ballarino (a technical manual on ballet dancing) establish Italy as a major centre of ballet development.

Ballet has its root in Renaissance court spectacle in Italy, but was particularly shaped by the French ballet de cour.
The 18th Century was a period of great advancement in the technical standards of ballet and the period when ballet became a serious dramatic art form on par with the Opera.

In the 19th Century, Ballerinas found new techniques, such as pointework, that rocketed the ballerina into prominence as the ideal stage figure, and teachers like Carlo Blasis codified ballet technique in the basic form that is still used today.

Ballet is found mostly in Europe, America and Russia.


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